
December 29th, 2008

Jonathan Cloud
8 Revere Drive, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
908-306-9075 office 908-581-8418 cell
jcloud [at]

5 Responses to “Contact”

  1. Humana People to People Short Videoson 09 Jun 2015 at 3:26 am

    Humana People to People gets the goal to advance under-developed countries with providing teaching
    to primary school instructors and craftsmen, helping to encourage good health and send knowledge of Aids and then to
    assist in more developing the areas agriculture. Humana People to People runs a variety of different plans and duties
    all over exhausted spots of nations from around the world.
    By way of working with the regional folks as well as their governing administration, they are able to aid those
    who’re short of funds through their non-profit assistance corporations.
    China is just one of a number of nations the non-profit organization goes to confront the urgent troubles that they experience now.

    The Humana People to People Activity works jointly with The Federation for Groups from the Yunnan area of China.
    The work first began within 2005 and continues over currently.
    The Humana People to People Association Mission Agency from the Yunnan Area
    operates to boost resources to help implement different
    tasks across the area around poor places.

    Some jobs which Humana People to People seeks to bring to this particular area
    of China consist of vocational schools in which they
    are able to advance their training, planning them for job opportunities, giving facts about transmittable sicknesses and more.

  2. Ian Brackenburyon 01 Aug 2019 at 8:52 pm


    I compared your portrait sketch with an old black-and-white photo I have of a Jonathan Cloud and, separately, a Sue Markham – joint editors of The Iconoclast. If that rings a bell then I could say “rats” and Rankine Brown. My old school friend Murray Robb found this site and it has plenty of clues that you might be the Jonathan Cloud I am forever grateful to – the mysteriously undocumented seven years in the antipodes, the single parent upbringing, Murray says the JC we’re searching for’s mother was called Hilda. And the life you’ve revealed on this site is so very much in the spirit of what the Jonathan Cloud I knew might have done. That Jonathan Cloud got me to run for Student Union president way back then, as rabid right-wing candidate to split the conservative vote. Happy days.

    If you are he I’d love to know that, and admire the “life examined” you show here.


  3. Jonathan Cloudon 24 Dec 2023 at 4:07 pm

    Would love to see that old photo!

  4. Byron Rogerson 01 Jul 2024 at 12:13 pm

    Greetings Jonathan, nice to see that you are still active on the sustainability file – it’s come a long way since we worked on those issues at the no longer existing Department of Consumer & Corporate Affairs back in 1977.
    I am a decade retired from tobacco control at Health Canada. Thought of you when rereading Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen.

    Byron Rogers
    Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

  5. Jonathan Cloudon 01 Jul 2024 at 2:04 pm

    Great to hear from you also!

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